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M. Carretero Gonzalez "Critical anthropomorphism, interspecies transcreation and political justice in Anna Sewell's Black Beauty (1877)", "Critica Letteraria"
, vol.50, 783-796, 2022
M.I. Romero Pérez "The Master Model in Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights: An Ecofeminist Reading", "Álabe: Revista de Investigación sobre Lectura y Escritura"
, 1-21, 2022
M. Carretero Gonzalez "Empathy through Interspecies Transcreation", "Women's Studies"
, vol.50, 850-856, 2021
M.I. Romero Pérez "Identity as a Construct: Reading Blackness in Eugene O'Neill's The Emperor Jones", "Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos"
, vol.25, 205-226, 2021
M. Carretero Gonzalez "'My Name is Growing All the Time': Entish, or the Possibility of a Natural Language", "Green Letters"
, vol.25, 415-419, 2021
M.I. Romero Pérez, Y.M. Vasquez Hernandez
R.B. Montenegro-Ayala,
"Una aproximación al ecofeminismo en el contexto latinoamericano: desde la perspectiva literaria, social y criminológica", "Asparkia Investigació feminista"
, 133-154, 2020
M.D. Aguilera Linde ""Saroyan's Filipinos: Undoing Invisibility and Silence in Subaltern Spaces"", "Kritika Kultura"
, vol.35, 102-117, 2020
L. Torres Zúñiga "Of (un)satisfactory dinners: The discourse of food in Tennessee Williams¿s work", "The Southern Quarterly"
, vol.56, 42-55, 2018
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024