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M.E. Rodriguez Martin
"From Hollywood Films to Web Series: Adaptations and Recreations of Jane Austen's Life and Works", "Seminario Jaén Austen: Encuentros con motivo del bicentenario de la muerte de Jane Austen (1817-2017)", None-None, 2017
M. Carretero Gonzalez
"And Some We Wear: The Sexual Politics of Fur", "Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics Summer School: The Ethics of Fur", None-None, 2017
C. Wallhead Salway
"History in the Fiction of A.S.Byatt ", "ESSE Conference 2016", None-None, 2016
M. Carretero Gonzalez
"Espiritualidad y ética del cuidado en la vida y obra de Mary y Anna Sewell", "XVIII Semana de Ética y Filosofía Política. Desafíos Públicos. Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Ética y Filosofía Política (AEEFP).", None-None, 2016
L. Torres Zúñiga
"B for babies or for books: Reading and Writing in Helen Simpson¿s short fiction", "XL Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos (AEDEAN)", None-None, 2016
M. Carretero Gonzalez
"Ciencia ciudadana: el papel de las humanidades", "Tiempos de transición: el papel de las humanidades ante la crisis ecológico-social", None-None, 2016
L. Torres Zúñiga
"Women¿s Tales: The Short Fiction of Contemporary British Writers, 1973-2013", "International Seminar Gender and Short Fiction: Women¿s Tales in Contemporary Britain", None-None, 2016
M. Carretero Gonzalez
"Re-Using, Re-Cycling, Re-Vamping the Literary Monster", "7th International EASLCE Conference: "Wildness without Wilderness": The Poiesis of Energy and Instability", None-None, 2016
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024