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M.E. Rodriguez Martin
"De la fidelidad al original a las narrativas transmedia: desarrollo y evolución de las teorías de adaptación", "Nuevas aproximaciones a viejas polémicas: cine/literatura", 39-61, 2019
L. Torres Zúñiga
"Fragments and fragmentation in Helen Simpson's short stories", "Formes brèves. Au croisement des pratiques et des savoirs", 275-286, 2019
M. Carretero Gonzalez
"Looking at the Vegetarian Body: Narrative points of view and blind spots in Han Kang's The Vegetarian", "Through a Vegan Studies Lens: Textual Ethics and Lived Activism", 165-179, 2019
M.E. Rodriguez Martin
"Love & Friendship: The film adaptation of Jane Austen's epistolary novella Lady Susan", "The study of style. Essays in English Language and Literature in honour of José Luis Martínez-Dueñas", 75-91, 2019
M. Carretero Gonzalez
"El paria autodidacta: Libros y lectura en Frankenstein", "El Libro: Segundo Congreso Internacional de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de Granada", None-None, 2019
M. Heredia Torres
"Jane Austen and Transmedia Narratives: Analysis of the Web Series Based on her Novels", "I Seminario Doctoral AEDEAN", None-None, 2019
M. Heredia Torres
"Jane Austen in the 21st Century: Transmedia Analysis of The Cate Morland Chronicles", "Faculty of Arts Research Seminar Series", None-None, 2019
M. Carretero Gonzalez
"La construcción del sujeto posthumano más allá del antropocentrismo", "La construcción del sujeto posthumano más allá del antropocentrismo", None-None, 2019
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024